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Dr Chammy Lau has joined this institution since 2007. She received her BA (Honours) in Tourism Management and MSc in Information Systems from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and obtained her Ph.D in Tourism Geography from The University of Hong Kong.

Dr Lau has rich teaching experience in the areas of tourism, hospitality and event management in numerous sectors and at all levels. Owing to her solid teaching history at various universities and post-secondary institutions before joining this institution, she has demonstrated a strong capability to teach from foundation to advanced subjects within the diversified curriculum. Currently, she teaches Transport and Tourism, Travel Agency Management, Event Management and Food Services Management.

Inspired by the belief of “research underpinning teaching”, Dr Lau has actively participated in research activities and professional consultancy services. She has published papers in event and festival tourism, leisure and recreation management, transport tourism, and gastronomy tourism in internationally refereed journals and acclaimed academic conferences. Moreover, she has designed and conducted teachers’ professional development programme for the New Secondary School Tourism and Hospitality Studies Curriculum with the Education Bureau of HKSAR since 2009.

Prior to joining the teaching profession, Dr Lau worked in the tourism and hospitality industries for a number of years. Her extensive work experience at travel agencies and hotels provided her with strong industrial support in addition to her academic credentials. Since 2009, she has taken up voluntary work and served as a local specialist for an international educational programme, namely Global Travel and Tourism Partnership (GTTP) to coordinate some multi-country curriculum planning and student development activities for those tourism and hospitality students.

Her current research interests lie in place identity, sense of place, place-making and corporate social responsibility.