Dr ZHANG, Xinyan Alina
Senior Lecturer
BEng, MSc (Huazhong U.S.T.); PhD (H.K.)
Teaching and Scholarly Interests: Event Management; Game Theory; Information and Communication Systems; Operations Management; Tourism Management; Tourism Supply Chain Management; Web-Based Systems
Dr Zhang received her PhD from The University of Hong Kong in 2006. After that, she joined the School of Hotel & Tourism Management (SHTM) of PolyU as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Her research area focuses on tourism demand analysis, tourism supply chains and information systems. She has published several papers in Journal of Operations Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research, Tourism Management, Tourism Economics, and Service Industries Journal, etc.
In carrying out her post-doctoral research at the SHTM, Dr Zhang was involved in the project “Developing a Web-based tourism demand forecasting system for Hong Kong”. She was responsible for the system design and development as well as conducting the online Delphi forecasting via the system. On 4 March 2008, the forecasting system was successfully launched and introduced to the industry partners. On behalf of the project team members, Dr Zhang attended the 6th International Exhibition of Inventions (October 2008, Suzhou, China), which was a large annual international exhibition of inventions. Over 3,000 invention works submitted by inventors from more than 40 countries/regions were displayed, and the forecasting system won the Silver Award.
Currently, Dr Zhang conducts teaching in several areas such as Convention and Exhibition Management, and Tourism Development in China.